Compare/contrast Bunny-Ears Lawyer, who is functioning properly despite a few quirks and Crippling Overspecialization, which could be seen as the ability version of this in the world of Competitive Balance. Occasionally overlaps with Disability Superpower and Hollywood Autism. All three tropes can be confused with Seemingly Profound Fool. See also Genius Ditz when the person has stupidity outside his field of expertise rather than a mental disorder. It refers to someone-usually someone with a developmental disorder, often autism-who has one or sometimes more extremely high abilities that are disproportionate to their normal level of functioning. The term 'savant syndrome' is more correct. The term 'Idiot Savant' is actually outdated, since the term 'idiot' itself is no longer a medical term. When Hollywood uses Savant characters, the most frequent talent the character will have will be something to do with mathematics.